For library use

Where do I find what?
On the groundfloor you will find media of the subject groups from A to P, the internet room, our catalog computers, the self-check station, the loan department and the information desk.
On the 1. floor the subject groups from Q to V are located, as well as numerous working places, two group study rooms and the lounge.
On the 2. floor you find the subject groups W and Z, more working places, group work places and three group study rooms.
An overview of our subject groups you can find here or on boards at the shelves.
In general each subject group starts with journals, then follow single books on specific topics and reference copies, devided into detailed subgroups and finally there are the textbooks in multcopies.
Older volumes of journals, older media and printed doctoral theses are stored in the closed stacks (basement). They can be ordered from there and are then available for you at the loan department.
There are public toilets on each floor, from the ground floor to the second.
Special locations for media
CDs and DVDs
These media are indicated in our catalog with the location "EDV-Raum" (IT room). They are not freely available. On request at the information desk we can get them for you, ready for loan.
Collections of special departments, office copies
Institutes, clinics and departments of the Technical University have their own media collections. In our catalog you will find the location "Abteilungsbestand" and the German name of the specific department as shelf mark for these media (for example: Klinik für Anästhesiologie, Institut für Mathematik, THL, FB Bauwesen), with the note „Medium in Abteilung / Institut / Klinikum der Technischen Hochschule, der Universität zu Lübeck oder des UKSH“ and the request info „not available“. The possibilities to use are defined by each of these institutions. Normally these media are, because they are office copies, not for loan.
Special book location IMGWF
The Institute for the History of Medicine and Science Research (Institut für Medizingeschichte und Wissenschaftsforschung, IMGWF, Königstraße 42 in Lübeck) has an own reference library with around 50.000 volumes and around 100 current journals. These works are listed in our catalog with the location IMGWF and cannot be lent, but used in the reading room of the institute's library. For the current opening times and exact usage options please look on the Website of the IMGWF .
Which books can be borrowed and which cannot?
You can borrow almost all of our books or other media, except those with a red or yellow lable on the book spine (reference editions), unbound issues and the latest five volumes of journals.
How long can I borrow media?
The normal loan period is 30 days. Please check your loans via „User account“ in our online catalog and extend the loan term here up to 8 times.
How can I renew the loan period?
After your registration you will receive the access data for your library account. You can access your account, for example, via the Quick link "Renewal" on our homepage, or via our catalog, with the "User account" button (on top of the screen). After you have entered your library number and your password, select the "loans" button and you are then ready to renew here.
Finally, please check wether and for which titles the renewal was succesful by logging into your account again.
Then you will also see the current number of renewals.For the protection of your data you should finally close your account. If any problems occur, please contact us in the library.
And please note: If one of your media has already been reserved by someone else, has been reminded or your library card has expired, it is no longer possible to renew the loan period !
How can I reserve borrowed books?
You can reserve borrowed books via our library catalog by using the link "reserve" behind the required title. As soon as the literature is available for you, you will be informed by email (or post exceptionally). A fee of 1,00 Euro is charged for each reservation. When reserving certain media, please note the different return dates as well as the number of already existing reservations,(the number "0" for no reservation would be best for example).
How to borrow?
You can borrow via our self-check station near the information desk on the ground floor. You as well have the option to borrow at the loan department during our service times. Anyway, please have your valid library card (student card) ready for this. The media will be entered directly into your library account.
Returning is possible at the loan department (during service times) or via our blue return box in front of the library at the main entrance. Please note that books from the return box are not checked out immediatelly but possibly only the next day. Reminder fees in this case are to be paid.